Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It must be in that Y chromosome.

For over a month now, Payne will pick up a small object, chuck it with as much force as an arm about 1.5 inches in diameter can muster, and then when it hits the ground go "Ohhhh! Waaaah!". I'm not conveying this noise very well, but imagine a sports bar full of men watching a football game involving the home team. That noise that varies only in pitch depending on a good or bad development in the game? That's the general noise I'm talking about. Now, just add early talker lispishness to it and you have Payne's exact noise.

For weeks I could not for the life of me figure out where he picked it up or why he so consistently did it. Then I remembered we had a weekend where we had two cookouts with our college friends two days in a row. Both times we played "washers" which is a game where you lob a large metal washer into a series of holes in a box for various points. This is mostly a dude thing at our get togethers, and the women often send the kids out into the yard with the men, to dodge washers and just generally get in the way (and have a blast in the process). So Payne is imitating the men gathered around with their beers, tossing metal rings into a box, and celebrating success or failure. I find this hilarious.

Maybe this explains why he insists on having a Koozie on his sippy cup 90% of the time.

(some dudely discussion with his buddy J.P.)

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I told this story to Eric and he really got a kick out of it. Little boys are too fun!
