Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Everypiggy poops.

I hope y'all find the continual and progressive anthropomorphization of Piggy as entertaining as I do, because I keep posting about it!

When I went to get Payne out of bed, he was busy tucking Piggy into bed. When I turned on the light to pick out his clothes he frantically motioned for me to turn it off, then led me out of his room and closed the door saying "Piggy nigh nigh". Ha!

Later, Payne was playing on his own with his toys and I heard him mutter to himself "Piggy poop. Bipe-err! (diaper)" He jetted into his bedroom to get a diaper. After a few minutes of struggling with it himself he brought it to me and I used my awesome origami skills to get Payne's huggies size 6 onto Piggy in a semi-neat fashion. This was the result.

How can it be so easy to make someone so happy?

Then Piggy needed a chair...

...and a snack.
(That's pound cake, which is a breakfast food in this house. Weird, I know, but that's how I grew up and it just tastes like breakfast to me. I'm willfully passing on the eccentricity.)

I know all kids do this, but it's so stinkin funny to watch!

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